Submission Guidelines
We are delighted to accept responses for our Prompt for Autonomy Project. On the home page you'll find our anchoring prompt from the fabulously multi-talented Sarah Ruhl.
Write a soliloquy, testimony, rant from the point of view of someone
who was forced to carry a pregnancy that they did not wish to keep.
These can be based on true stories or not.
They can be set in the present moment or not.
They can be set in America or not.
The only ingredients:
The soliloquy should contain at least one color, one place name,
and one true thing a person who you know has once said.
Start with the word “I” and keep on going…
We will be accepting written, and hybrid responses to Sarah's prompt until January 31st.
Selected responses will be published online, and included in a limited edition artist book.
After January 31st, we will invite visual artists to enter the conversation by responding to any of the published soliloquys, poems, or narratives we have published on this site.
Selected visual art responses will be published online and in our limited edition book, as well.
PromptPress welcomes traditional and experimental short stories, prose poems, creative nonfiction, and hybrid work. Prose submissions should be no longer than ten pages.
Please follow these guidelines when submitting prose:
- Include your name and contact information in a brief cover letter and on the first page of your story.
- Simultaneous submissions are fine, however, please notify us immediately if your submission is accepted elsewhere.
Poetry Submissions
PromptPress invites poetry submissions by both emerging and established writers. We are interested in poems that captivate on first read and then continue to reward over multiple readings. We value no one formal approach over another, but we do look for poems that use sound and form in fruitful and interesting ways.
Please follow these guidelines when submitting poetry:
- Submit no more than six poems at a time in one .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf file.
- Include your name and contact information in a brief cover letter and on the poems themselves.
- Simultaneous submissions are fine, however, please notify us immediately if your submission is accepted elsewhere.
Art Submissions
To submit your visual art work for consideration, email no more than six images: sRGB JPG format, 1280 ppi on the longest side, with title and caption details. We also accept video submissions. Please include a cover letter.
Please send your submissions to: